Road Safety Guide

Traffic Safety and Road Conditions in Grenada 

In Grenada, traffic adheres to the left-hand driving, with a majority of vehicles being right-hand drive. The island’s roads, whether paved or unpaved, are often narrow and winding, featuring numerous blind corners, limited shoulders, and steep drops into ravines and road drains. This topography is prevalent across Grenada’s three islands. Sidewalks are scarce, leading to shared road space between cars and pedestrians. Inconsistent road lighting exacerbates nighttime dangers, and road surfaces may deteriorate, particularly during the rainy season (June–November) before maintenance commences. 

Caution and reduced speed are essential due to challenging driving conditions in Grenada, characterized by increasing traffic, sometimes assertive minibus drivers, and varying road conditions. 

The Government of Grenada enforces a seat belt law, with fines of EC$1,000 (US$400) for drivers and passengers found without seat belts. 

Driving in Grenada requires a mandatory local temporary driver’s license, costing EC$60 (US$24). In case of an accident, lacking a valid local driver’s license incurs a fine, regardless of fault. Grenada Rent a Car facilitates the acquisition of temporary driver’s licenses. Road signage adequacy varies but is generally considered poor to nonexistent. 

Driver License Requirements: 

Both the renter and the driver must possess a valid driving license. 

The renter should have held a valid driver’s license for a minimum of 2 years. 

Visitors must obtain a temporary driver’s license to drive on the island, available at US$24.00 or EC$60.00 each. However, holders of valid licenses issued in the OECS and CARICOM states are exempt from purchasing a visitor driver’s temporary license. 

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